About the Project:
EUFICCS stands for “European Use of Full-Immersion, Culture, Content and Service approach for Language Learning” and is a project developed by a European consortium made up of Associazione Culturale Ulisse (Siena, Italy), Siena Italian Studies (Siena, Italy), Universidade Fernando Pessoa (Porto, Portugal) and Centro de Lengua y Educaciòn Intercultural (Granada, Spain).
The project was co-financed by the European Union through the Lifelong Learning Programme – Key Action Activity Languages, and was implemented for three years (November 2011 – October 2014). It aims at enhancing the motivation and capacity of language learners to study a foreign language with the use of an innovative common methodology that will be elaborated by the consortium and applied to the learning of Italian, Spanish and Portuguese as second languages by students, interns, workers and other young people or adults going to Italy, Spain and Portugal for a study, training or working experience.
EUFICCS aimed at enhancing the motivation and capacity of language learners to study a foreign language in the country where it is spoken as mother tongue with the use of an innovative common methodology that was elaborated during the project and applied to the learning of Italian, Spanish and Portuguese as second languages by students, interns, workers and other young people or adults going to Italy, Spain and Portugal for a study, training or working experience.
The project objectives were:
- Developing and experimenting study courses and materials based on the EUFICCS common methodology to provide EU teachers with new instruments for language and culture teaching and permit students to develop more competences simultaneously: from the tightly linguistic one, to the social, intercultural and reflective ones;
- Setting a matrix of basic elements of the EUFICCS methodology to make its transfer possible, with the necessary adaptations of contents, to other European languages taught as second foreign languages;
- Creating a network of language learning providers capable to use the common methodology for teaching the second language and to adopt it in their countries (i.e. Language Centres teaching the national language as foreign language to Erasmus students, VET institutions hosting Leonardo da Vinci beneficiaries, centres for adult education participating in Grudtvig mobility actions etc..).